Join the Fit For Birth Affiliate Program


Earning Commissions is Easy!

Share our links or banners with friends, colleagues, clients, or website & social media visitors.

Our Affiliates:

  • Earn 10-25% or more!
  • Benefit from our done-for-you marketing and campaigns. We give you the materials, you post them, you earn money
  • Track all stats easily on our Affiliate Dashboard!
  • Your sales are paid into your bank account monthly

What to expect?

Once you sign up you will:

  1. Receive a welcome email from our marketing director.
  2. Log on to your affiliate dashboard
  3. Begin sharing your links for for the Pre & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist & Prenatal Wellness Courses.
  4. Access Pre-made marketing materials to share immediately.
  5. Start Making Money


How do I track my commissions?

Once you sign up you’ll be given a password for your affiliate dashboard. Here you can track sales, clicks to your page, and refunds.

When and how do I get paid?

Payments are sent out on the 20th of every month for the previous month’s commissions. Commissions that an Affiliate earns in January, for example, are eligible for payment on February 20th. If the 20th falls on a weekend, payments are sent out on the following Monday.

You can be paid by direct deposit, check or wire transfer.

Which courses will I have access to?

You will have immediate access to the Pre and Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist ™ course and the Prenatal Wellness Course (a companion program to your physical training for new moms!) Each month we will provide new opportunities and share our new developments with you.

Do I get immediate access to my affiliate dashboard?

Once your affiliate application is approved, you will log in HERE via the Share A Sale Affiliate login, using the username and password you created when applying for our program.

Is there a minimum balance to get paid?

There is no minimum balance.

How do I get support if I get stuck?

Please email or chat instantly with us HERE.

How do I access my Affiliate Dashboard?

Once your affiliate application is approved, you will log in HERE via the Share A Sale Affiliate login, using the username and password you created when applying for our program.

Do you have resources to aid in sharing and promoting the courses?

As an affiliate, you will have access to our Affiliate Resource Page, where you will find all the tools you will need to make sharing and earning commissions easy. You will also receive monthly emails that contain “grab & go” Social Media posts that have been specifically crafted by our marketing team.  These easy-to-use photos & content are filled with fun tidbits (science and wellness) that you can share about FFB’s courses with your friends and followers.

A new income source is best

shared with friends!