Be the authority on pre & postnatal core integrity, injury prevention, and rehabilitation
Join Fit For Birth in the most innovative and in-depth look at:
- Diastasis recti
- Pelvic girdle pain
- Symphysis pubis dysfunction
- Piriformis syndrome
- Herniation
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
- C-section & episiotomy rehabilitation
We have SCHOLARSHIP opportunities! Click here to apply for our Scholarship.
Interested in bundling our PPCES and PPDCC courses? Save by registering for our BUNDLE!
JOIN OUR BUNDLE FOR $1697Diastasis is a hot topic in the Pre & Postnatal industry and as a wellness or fitness professional, you have a chance to give women the knowledge and empowerment to heal. In this unique, one-of-a-kind course, Fit For Birth founder James Goodlatte, teams up with women’s health professionals to bring you the latest in pre & postnatal core exercise and rehabilitation. *Now pre-approved by NASM for 1.9 CECs!

in this course you will learn:
- The evolution and social impact of Diastasis Recti
- The physiology and synergy of the core’s “Inner Unit”
- The difference between Abdominal Bracing, Hollowing, and “Drawing In”
- Identify symptoms and describe prevention and rehabilitation techniques
- Understand under and over-facilitation problems in core dysfunction
- Design Corrective Exercise for lumbopelvic core challenges
- Core Corrective Methods including Tupler Technique®, MUTU System, Birth2FitMum, The Tummy Team, and more
- Understand the power of the mind and of nutrition in prevention and healing

It is better to prevent diastasis recti than to have to repair it.
There is hope for healing!
learn from women’s health physical therapists: Michelle alva & pamela downey

Michelle Alva
Women’s Health PT, Licensed Physical Therapist
Specialized training in OB/GYN and Pelvic Floor
Michelle Alva is a licensed Women’s Health/Ob/Gyn Physical Therapist, Tantra Practitioner, Emotional Release Bodyworker, Intuitive Sound Healer, and mom. With more than two decades of working with clients, Michelle’s “Alva Method of Self-Empowered Healing” unites modern science with ancient wisdom.
Her mission is to educate women on how to empower themselves to their natural abilities. She sees the perinatal experience as a sacred time in every woman’s life; an opportunity that will impact their children for a lifetime.
As a student of the Primal Health philosophy, Michelle follows an integrative and holistic approach that accounts for the interconnection between health and vitality. Her work with children within the last decade continues to affirm for her why it’s so important to nurture pre and postnatal women.
Michelle’s desire to work with the Fit For Birth community is a natural fit, as her work reflects similar values, integration, comprehensive understandings, research-based content, and functional result-based application.
Michelle has a 25k following on her YouTube Channel:
Not only is she a respected authority, but she’s also the currently slated partner for the FFB Yoga Course!

Pamela Downey
Women’s Health Physical Therapist, Herman and Wallace Faculty
Pamela A. Downey, PT, DPT, WCS, BCB-PMB, is a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy and Board Certified in Biofeedback for Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction. Owner of Partnership in Therapy, a private practice in Coral Gables, Florida, she treats women and men with pelvic floor dysfunction, related urogynecological and colorectal issues, spine dysfunction, osteoporosis, and complaints associated with pregnancy and the postpartum period. Her mission is to educate and integrate healthy lifestyles for patients on the road to wellness.
Dr. Downey has been honored to teach with the Herman and Wallace Institute since 2006. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at the University Of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Coral Gables, Florida, and Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A certified Polestar Pilates Educator, she utilizes Pilates and therapeutic exercise interventions specifically designed for patients with pre/post-natal, pelvic floor muscle, and other lumbopelvic pain-related dysfunctions.
Dr. Downey received her Bachelor of Arts from Sarah Lawrence College and her Master of Science and Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Miami School Of Medicine. She is actively involved in professional activities of the Section on Women’s Health of the American Physical Therapy Association, presently sitting as Coordinator of Research Submissions for annual meetings and as a manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Women’s Health. Dr. Downey has lectured nationally and internationally at professional conferences and is the author of multiple published research articles and a book chapter on chronic pelvic pain in the medical text, Women’s Health in Physical Therapy.
common questions this course covers:
What’s the difference between hernia and diastasis, and why is the medical community defining it differently than the fitness community?
Can hernias cause diastasis or can diastasis cause a hernia?
Can stretched connective tissue/collagen return to its original form?
Can connective tissue be healed using exercise?
Does diastasis cause other issues, like pelvic pain and low back pain?
Is diastasis linked to pelvic floor weakness?
Why are so many women choosing surgery to repair their abdominal wall?
What is involved in diastasis surgery, and is it a valid option?
What is the track record of the most popular diastasis methods like Tupler®, MuTu®, Birth2FitMum, and Tummy Team? Are they really working, or just marketing hype?
Why are planks and crunches taught for healing diastasis recti by some, but shunned by others?
What is involved in diastasis surgery, and is it a valid option?
Could the common fitness cue to “draw-in” be causing diastasis in some women?
What does the current scientific research on diastasis recti imply?
What are the current protocols being used by Women’s Health Physical Therapists around the world for treating diastasis recti, c-section, episiotomy, and more?
What does PPDCC stand for?
PPDCC is the abbreviation for Fit For Birth’s Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant™ Course.
What’s included in the PPDCC?
-Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant Textbook (Online and Downloadable)
-PowerPoint Manual (used with the video footage)
-Video Footage of a Live Course
-Additional Materials (assessment sheets and other handouts)
-All materials are provided to you as part of a state-of-the-art E-Learning platform, which is fully accessible to you immediately, using your email and password
What are my options for payment?
You can purchase your PPDCC with a one-time payment or payment plan options and scholarships are available.
Are FFB courses transferable or accepted internationally?
The short answer is yes. Our courses are available in the U.K. and currently Fit For Birth has students and graduates in more than 30 countries around the world. And we are “transferable” in that our course is recognized and even Pre-Approved by organizations who have jurisdiction in countries all over the world. For example, AFAA & NASM qualify fitness professionals in dozens of countries around the world, spanning multiple continents. ACE, NCSF, and ACSM have a presence in Europe, and REPSSA is present in South Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, U.A.E., and Canada.
Our courses are also transferrable in that quality education helps any fitness professional anywhere to perform their skills better. Even so, the most direct way to confirm for sure is to ask your employer, your clients, and/or your governing fitness body if they will accept a Fit For Birth course as part of your continuing education program. If so, then the answer is clearly yes.
The more involved answer may also be of interest to you. It takes time for official regulations to pass and international standards to be set. For example, the fitness industry has risen only in the last several decades and still is not regulated in most U.S. states. International regulation won’t likely occur until individual states and countries set their own internal regulations, perhaps over the next few decades.
Finally, the Pre & Postnatal Fitness Professional has not yet been identified as a unique profession, so specific regulation in this realm is not likely to begin until all of the above has been set prior to or at least in conjunction. (This process is the same way that medical doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists, for example, have gone from unregulated to regulated within states/countries and later to governed and accepted between countries).
For Prenatal Professionals, companies like Fit For Birth are likely to be the trendsetters who ultimately forge the paths to regulation – first nationally, then internationally. And this is our clear intention. We’re a great team to be a part of, growing every day, and intending to provide the most solid scientific progressive evidence wrapped into a fun education. We also aim to be fully transparent along the way, so we are happy to answer all your questions regarding this somewhat tricky topic.
When and where is your next LIVE Course presentation for PPDCC?
We do not have our next LIVE PPDCC scheduled yet but stay tuned!
What should I expect after registering for the PPDCC?
After registering, you will be able to login and start taking the course immediately. You will also have access to the PPDCC Private Facebook Page, as well as support from the Fit For Birth “Inner Unit” team.
How long does it take to complete the PPDCC online course?
It’s completely up to you how fast you finish the program. We have had people complete it in a week or two, other people take months, to a year (and sometimes more)! Here is an approximate breakdown of what to expect from the PPCES online course material:
-Diastasis and Core Consultant Manual: 8 hours
-Video Footage of the 3-day Live Course with PowerPoint Manual: 15 Hours of footage
-Quizzes: 2 Hours
-Final Project: 1 hour
Will additional support be available inside the PPDCC?
Fit For Birth Team Members are here to help and assist you with anything that you need. We are known for our thorough support and follow-through. Just call or email!
You will also find support from your PPDCC colleagues, Fit For Birth founder James Goodlatte, and The Bloom Method founder Brooke Cate via access to your Private Facebook Group. This group is reserved only for participants and graduates of the PPDCC, to give space to the more advanced conversations that may rise as part of the therapy methods presented in this course.
I live outside the U.S. Can I take this course?
Absolutely! The course can be taken in any location, and we currently have instructors from thirty countries around the world.
The Course has already been pre-approved by multiple organizations that certify professionals globally. If you live in a country outside of the United States and would like us to seek approval for your fitness or health organization, please let us know! We add to our pre-approvals frequently.
I am a Birth Professional. Can I take this course? Do I have to become a trainer? How can I implement Fit For Birth into my profession?
Thank you for the important work you do. The modern world really needs birth professionals who have deep access to the natural solutions that can enhance your prenatal clients’ chances for smooth and successful natural births, without the need for medical interventions.
Midwives and Doulas have been participating in Fit For Birth courses since the inception of the PPCES. And there is no need for you to become a trainer “officially” in any other manner! As you learn from our courses, you will understand how to advise your clients on exercise, health and life coaching within the setting of your clinic, easily streamlining with your current practice. In addition, in most cases around the world and within the U.S., if you desire, you will be able to coach very specific exercises that can offer immediate relief for a variety of pregnancy and postpartum issues.
As a birth professional, you are in a great position to educate and help pregnant women and this course will put you at an even greater advantage!
Can I receive CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) for my particular profession?
The PPDCC is currently not “pre-approved” but it is common practice that your certifying body will award you CEU’s so long as you submit a petition. It is common practice, but keep in mind that it is not necessarily guaranteed. If this is an important consideration for you, please contact your certifying body to confirm in advance of joining our program. The process commonly looks something like this:
You ask your certifying body to send you a CEU petition form. Many organizations award CEU’s to any program that you can demonstrate helps you to be a better professional. We, at Fit For Birth, can help you find this out!
You fill out the form and scan or mail your certifying body some materials about our course(s) (ie. course outline, course objectives, etc. We, at Fit For Birth, will provide for you whatever it is that you need. Your organization may charge you a fee to review your course materials (often this fee is $25). Your organization determines how many CEU’s to offer you. This sometimes equates to one credit given for each hour spent in education. The PPDCC is could be awarded as a 25-hour course.
Is the course completely online? What tools will need to be accessible in order to take this course?
Yes, the course is designed for participation entirely online, at any location that is convenient to you. You will need a computer with internet access. If you do not have online access, please contact theresa@getfitforbirth.com and we will happily help you find another way to participate.
What is the PPDCC final exam?
There is no “final exam” and our educational process is purposefully designed for learning rather than pass/fail testing. Our educational belief is focused on helping you improve your skills from whatever level you are currently. We require you to complete the quizzes and participate in a Final Project that includes you posting your experience on the PPDCC Facebook group, as well as a short video of you working with a client.
Can I have more information about the quizzes?
There are six quizzes that highlight the main ideas from the course work, and help solidify your understanding. Most of them are taken directly from the PPDCC manual, and some are directed from the videos of the Women’s Physical Therapist. They are designed to highlight important areas of information.
After completing the PPDCC course, what will be my title?
Upon completion, you will be able to add this title to your credentials: “Fit For Birth Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant.”
Essentially, you can say, “I have completed Fit For Birth’s Certificate of Advanced Qualification Continuing Education Credit: Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant Course.”
Do I need to re-certify through Fit For Birth in order to maintain my PPDCC title?
No, there is no recertification necessary. Once you have completed the course, you are considered a “Fit For Birth Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant” and remain part of our elite practitioners for no additional cost.
How will I receive my certificate of completion?
Upon submitting the video of you working with a client onto the PPDCC Private Facebook group, your certificate of completion will be emailed to you.
What You’ll Receive:
Immediate access to PPDCC Online:
-Video Presentation of Live PPDCC Course (about 20 hours)
-Presentation Slides (457)
-Updated Manual (400 pages)
-Certificate of Completion after successful completion of quizzes
-Clear instructions and all materials for petitioning your certifying organization for CEC’s
-Immediate access to Private PPDCC Facebook Group, with Lifetime Membership that is available only to PPDCC students and graduates; ongoing access and personal feedback from James, Brooke, and the international Fit For Birth PPDCC Community!
What You’ll Receive When You Purchase The Bundle:
Immediate access to PPCES Online:
-Video Presentation of Live PPDCC Course (about 20 hours)
-Presentation Slides (457)
-2017 Updated Manual (400 pages)
-Certificate of Completion after successful completion of quizzes
-Clear instructions and all materials for petitioning your certifying organization for CEC’s
-Upon completion of PPCES, access to Private PPDCC Facebook Group, with Lifetime Membership that is available only to PPDCC students and graduates; ongoing access and personal feedback from James, Brooke, and the international PPDCC Fit For Birth Community!
Need a PAYMENT PLAN? Click here to register for the payment plan.
We also have SCHOLARSHIP opportunities! Click here to apply for our Scholarship.
Interested in bundling our PPCES and PPDCC courses? Save by registering for our Bundle!
JOIN OUR BUNDLE FOR $1697Click here for our Bundle Payment Plan.