Jeremy Cheung is a strength coach, personal trainer, and the owner of The Performance Fix and BUMPfit in the Eastlake area of Seattle, WA. Last year when Jeremy’s wife was pregnant, they recognized the need for fitness education in the prenatal realm. “There is a MASSIVE gap in that area. It’s a scary time for women. My wife is currently pregnant and is a certified trainer and doesn’t know what to do,” said Jeremy as his reason for choosing Fit For Birth. His wife, Michelle, remembers, “Every morning, Jeremy helped me practice my breathing. I had to re-train myself to breathe from my diaphragm, which was much harder than I thought it would be! We would get up every day, early in the morning and get in a good workout, concentrating a lot on my hip and back strength. We worked on a few explosive movements to mimic labor intensity.”
Since completing the Pre & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist Course, Jeremy has become a father to his baby girl, Logan, moved from San Francisco to Seattle, and opened a new training studio.
During this exciting time, Jeremy intended to specialize with pre & postnatal, while still including the general population. “I completed the course in June 2015, had my little girl in August and opened my studio in November. Since opening, I’ve had two moms successfully deliver and another is training with us now. I’ve also written blogs for PurePharma and Fitbit regarding the benefits of training during pregnancy.”
Jeremy says that taking the course has “completely opened my eyes to the differences in HOW to properly train pregnant women.” In a previous pre/post certification course, Jeremy remembers, “Pregnant women were referred to as ‘special population’ giving the connotation that something is wrong with them.” Fit For Birth’s PPCES course established for Jeremy that pregnant women “can train just as hard as general population. Sure, with a few considerations, but they aren’t ‘sick’.”
Jeremy continues to build his business as a whole, still with the goal of opening several studios that have a mix of expecting mothers and the general population. His goal is “making getting strong fun!” and to help those who are intimidated by going to the gym or working out. “I’m hoping that those that come to my studio find the workouts challenging but also fun. I always find it interesting that things that we used to do for fun as kids—running, jumping, jumping rope—are not fun anymore.” His evolving intention is, “To work with pre and postnatal women by creating a community that makes exercise a part of their overall lifestyle. Again, fun to get strong…and stay strong!”
Thanks so much to Jeremy and Michelle for being pioneers in studio ownership, making fun perinatal fitness the center point for their new business. We wish you many blessings as your business and family continues to grow in your new hometown.
You can find more info at www.theperformancefix.com, follow Jeremy on Instagram: theperfomancefix and Facebook: The Performance Fix, and contact him at jeremy@theperformancefix.com.