Why Fit For Birth is the Best Pre and Postnatal Fitness Certification

Are you a fitness professional who wants to feel confident training pregnant and postpartum clients

Gone are the days when pregnant women are told to put their feet up for nine months, and the tremendous benefits of staying active during pregnancy are becoming more widely known and accepted. Now women are looking for ways to stay healthy and strong while keeping themselves and their babies safe. But with the “rules” around pre and postnatal exercise constantly changing, it can be hard for them to know who to trust – especially since the fitness industry is completely unregulated. That’s why here at Fit for Birth, we believe that our moms deserve to be trained by coaches who are holding themselves to a higher standard.

Our fitness certification program, the Pregnancy Safe Coach, is truly unique and includes quite a few offerings that you won’t find in any other pre & postnatal certification programs:

  • Personal attention for every student including monthly calls with the founder and head coaches to discuss content and questions
  • Progressive education learning how to train in a way that challenges the status quo, outside of conventional rules, far beyond the generally accepted list of do’s and don’ts
  • Lifetime access to pre & postnatal continuing education courses, without pressures of completion mandates
  • A free business mentorship course offered twice per year, that you can join as many times as you’d like so you can regularly check in on the health and momentum of your business under the guidance of our founder, and our coaches who actively run their own pre & postnatal businesses
  • Opportunities to earn income training Fit For Birth clients; right alongside Fit For Birth Head Coaches
  • Self-development, woven into every course, so that you can make sure that you are consistently on track for creating the life that you want.

Moreso, Fit For Birth is a company that is run by parents and graduates.  Every step of our company’s evolution has considered the following question: How do we help our students create joyful lives for themselves? Yes, let’s give our students what they’re coming for: the best education on the planet, in the best format possible. But let’s also ensure that our students are the ones who are most empowered, most confident, and most capable of balancing home and family life too.  See, at Fit For Birth, we believe that success is far more than just being educated.  How do we set things up for you to be truly at peace and in joy along the way?

This is where you come in!

Become the Most Trusted Trainer in Pre and Postnatal Fitness.

Fit For Birth is widely recognized as the #1 holistic pre and postnatal education company for fitness professionals because we created a program that is so much more than just another certification or a continuing education course. We give you all the tools, skills, and community you need to become the most trusted trainer in pre and postnatal fitness. And we provide personalized attention for every one of our students. One look at our incredible Google reviews will demonstrate the kind of life-changing education and support that we provide.

We started the Fit For Birth Pregnancy Safe Coach program so pregnant and postpartum people around the world can trust that they are hiring professionals who fundamentally understand the mechanics of the pre and postnatal body and who are creating programs that are truly “Pregnancy Safe.”

Why Choose to Certify with Fit For Birth? 

Fit For Birth is the world’s most holistic, progressive, and research-based pre and postnatal coaching certification. 

We start our program with “The Why.” Why taking a holistic approach to training pre and postnatal women is so critical. There are 3 startling trends that we’ve been shouting from the rooftops since 2008; trends that are affecting pregnant and postpartum women all over the world. These are:

1) Infertility

2) Childbirth interventions (such as C-sections)

3) Childhood illness (such as ADHD and chronic disease)

These issues are trending upwards and fitness professionals are in an amazing position to help reverse the numbers. 

Next, our Pregnancy Safe Coach program applies the Fit For Birth “5 Foundations”, which include exercise, breathing, nutrition, mindset and lifestyle, to training pre and postnatal clients. It’s through these 5 areas of wellness that we can start to make an impact on these critical issues of our time. 

Our program is steeped in the latest research, from peer-reviewed studies to industry experts, and is constantly updated to include the most up-to-date information on pre and postnatal health. We challenge preconceived notions of the dos and don’ts of traditional pre and postnatal exercises to empower our students to think outside the box with their clients. Our education is not just another standard set of “do’s and don’ts.” We are a company that provides an incredible framework for you to be able to think for yourself.

Although there are wonderful general rules by which to condition the human body, there are also an incredible amount of nuances that you want to be able to problem-solve using your own intuitive framework.  You want to be able to work with pregnant and postpartum clients to mitigate, manage and heal issues such as Diastasis Recti and pelvic girdle pain, which are so commonly thought of as a “normal” part of pregnancy and postpartum. To that, we say that “common is not the same as normal.”  In other words, pregnancy challenges may indeed be common today, but there are solutions that go beyond fitness, and that goes beyond even corrective exercise.   

The comprehensive content of our program appeals to anyone who works with the pre and postnatal population – or is part of it! Our students are fitness professionals, physical therapists, nutritionists, doulas, moms, and more. We offer personal coaching for every student through monthly group mentorship calls and a one-on-one final coaching call with each student.

You will not find this level of personalized attention in any other pre & postnatal certification program.

Our comprehensive program includes 3 levels of education: 

Level 1: Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Understand the 3 concerning “trends” in modern childbirth that are affecting pregnancy, labor and delivery for women everywhere
  • Learn how the Fit For Birth “5 Foundations” can solve these trends
  • Go deep into the benefits of exercise during pregnancy and why exercise is actually a foundational necessity during pregnancy
  • Understand musculoskeletal & physiological considerations for prenatal exercise
  • Learn and practice corrective exercise assessments
  • Study pre & postnatal program design, with progressions and regressions
  • Learn the number 1 exercise all pre and postnatal women should know: Core Breathing Belly Pump
  • Understand how to incorporate “Birth Labor Training” with your clients
  • Q&A with a childbirth specialist
  • A 2-hour, one-on-one coaching call

Level 2: Diastasis & Core Consultant

  • Understand Diastasis Recti including the detailed anatomy and physiology of the core and what happens when Diastasis occurs
  • Learn the structure and function of the core’s “inner unit” and how it changes during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Understand how to rehabilitate Diastasis Recti
  • Go deep into eight additional perinatal core challenges (including pelvic girdle pain, SI joint pain, hernia, sciatica, and more) and understand their management and healing protocols
  • Q&A with Pelvic Floor physical therapists

Level 3: Pregnancy Safe Coach Certification

  • Participate in monthly mastermind calls with James, founder of Fit For Birth, to discuss the latest research in the pre & postnatal field
  • Lifetime access to all Fit For Birth continuing education courses (Business course twice per year, Infertility course, Corrective Flexibility Assessment course, and more!) 
  • Gain access to a community of like-minded professionals passionate about changing the lives of pre & postnatal women
  • Receive marketing and business growth opportunities through Fit For Birth’s affiliate marketing program and Find A Coach program 
  • Monthly membership with no required commitment

We have everything you need to support pre and postnatal women all in one place, allowing you to make a big impact quickly. 

Our format is convenient and accessible worldwide. We have students in over 50 countries! We’re 100% online and downloadable, including video content from a pre-recorded live course, a comprehensive manual, PowerPoint presentation, handouts, supplementary materials, and frequent course updates.

Go at your own pace and complete the program in your own time – whether you’re dedicating one hour per week or one hour per day!  

Increase your income, while serving women better.

Once you’ve completed Levels 1 & 2 of the program, you are eligible to become a certified Fit For Birth Pregnancy Safe Coach and join our monthly membership. But our program is set up in a way where you can start supporting clients as a Corrective Exercise Specialist as soon as you complete Level 1, in as little as 2 weeks! This means you’re able to start changing the lives of pregnant and postpartum women AND earning income while continuing to work towards your full certification. 

One major perk of the Pregnancy Safe Coach program is that you are granted lifetime access to Fit For Birth courses for FREE as soon as you sign up. This includes our business course, the Business Mastery Mentorship, geared towards fitness professionals who are looking to start a business from scratch or grow their existing one. We GUARANTEE you will have at least one paying client before the 4-week course has ended. This course is offered twice per year and is led by Fit For Birth founder, James Goodlatte, and Head Coach Joanie Johnson. Prepare to be inspired and to grow in unexpected ways both personally and professionally.

Fit For Birth has always been founded on this principle: How do we make this the best thing ever for our students?  Because of this, programs like our Find a Coach program are actually in existence to feed clients to our graduates. Our Affiliate Marketing Program is another way to create a passive income stream for yourself. By sharing your experience with Fit For Birth with your friends, colleagues, clients and networks, you can earn a percentage from each sale of a course that you bring in. And, in order to help you grow your business and life that you want, we’ve placed our commissions to be higher than industry standards!

Want to make sure that you get started on the right foot?  Join Fit For Birth, where our intention is to provide so much value that the choice is obvious.

Come learn from the original pre and postnatal education company and feel confident training pre and postnatal women.

Fit For Birth is one of the founding pre and postnatal education companies and we’re rooted in a mindset that our graduate’s success is our success. Success that includes not only the best education on the planet, but also family life, and personal development.  And Joy.  Many of our students have gone on to not only create their own successful fitness education businesses but to partner with some of the biggest names in the fitness and birth industries.  And we frequently look to partner with them to support their growth. Because we’re all in this together. We are a group of passionate, like-minded professionals with a mission to help pre and postnatal women have healthy, happy pregnancies, deliveries and recoveries. Join us and help us change the world!

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At Fit For Birth, you can train with pre & postnatal fitness experts who know how to assess the pre & postnatal body and who will create safe, effective, fun, and individualized workout programs to help you have a strong pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. Our training program is 100% virtual so you can train from anywhere in the world!

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