Prenatal Personal Training: People who Love Their Work Live Longer & Better

People who Love Their Work

Live Longer & Better

“Step out of the history that is holding you back.
Step into the new story you are willing to create.” [1]

Oprah Winfrey

s that age-old query…. If, many years from now, you want to look back on your life and not feel regret, one incredibly important factor will be your choice of career. But it’s not necessarily the choice of which career that is important, as much as it is your mindset about whatever career that you choose. If you’re passionate about holistic health, making your own schedule, and helping women during one of the most important and world-impacting times of their lives, then becoming a pre & postnatal fitness instructor may be one of the best decisions you ever make for your health and wellbeing.

Imagine many years from now reflecting back on your life. Isn’t it a truth that the quality of your life is directly correlated to the dominant emotion you spent moment by moment?

And if we spend such an enormous amount of time “at work” don’t we need to make it count? And fast!?

First look at the definition of “work” in our society:

“Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.” [2]

But what if we could make it feel less like effort, and more like fun?

“Work is an essential ingredient for a happy life, and now research proves that working hard in a field that you love will give your life meaning and purpose.” [3]

“There is growing evidence that subjective wellbeing is associated with reduced risk of all cause mortality and the incidence of specific conditions such as coronary heart disease (CHD)” [4]

“According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a distinguished Hungarian psychologist, being able to enjoy your work is the main factor in getting into a state of flow.” [5]

“Meaningful, engaging work not only fuels our professional achievements but also….creates a sense of fulfillment that echoes across all our personal strivings.” [6]

What if the definition of work was:
“Activity involving mental or physical focus & enjoyment done in order to achieve a purpose or result,” and what if it inspired your passion more often than not?!

Scientific evidence suggests that your career and your wellbeing are intricately linked, for example:

Here are four amazing reasons why considering work in the pre & postnatal fitness field may be an answer that fits some of you who are reading this now:

  • Health is most often considered the highest value because when you don’t have it, enjoying life is extremely difficult. Learning Natural and Holistic methods to solve health challenges provides a natural momentum for you to design your own health, as well as to inspire the health of your loved ones!
  • Make your own schedule, work as much or as little as you desire! The beauty of being a health coach, personal trainer or other similar wellness consultant is that you get to set your preferred hours.
  • High dollar earning potential. Having the tools to, for example, help your client to self-mitigate her back pain on the very first session, or to provide a solution for her to prevent stretch marks or diastasis recti before they occur, end up being some of the most priceless information they’ll ever receive. Pre & Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist’s ask $50-150 USD per hour, depending on their location.
  • Heal the world by healing humanity’s most important commodity: pregnant and postpartum mothers: the ones who are nurturing the next generation! Yes, we need to heal the planet. And we also need to heal those who are most capable of ensuring the success of the next generation: mothers. Healthier mothers = healthier babies.

Pre & postnatal work is the most important on the planet. It’s as simple as that. Fit For Birth students learn about “The Three Trends” (infertility, mechanized childbirth, and chronic disease of newborn infants), and how humanity is actually experiencing the phenomenon called devolution. We cannot keep trending toward sickness in our infants and expect humanity to evolve healthfully generation after generation. There is a great balancing that is now necessary, and it begins with the spread of knowledge in natural holistic health.

If your intuition is buzzing right now, and you’re feeling excited, know that there are many who can help you take the next step. One solution is the team at Fit For Birth. We are a company that is dedicated to mentoring each and every student, to inspiring a world-wide team of passionate connected like-minded professionals, and to having you love your work!

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.
It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing;
it’s a day you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.” [7]

Margaret Thatcher, British Stateswoman

If you’ve been wondering if it’s time for you to consider a shift in career – especially in light of recent world events, answer the following questions for yourself, and follow your intuition. The Fit For Birth family wishes you clarity and FUN in your journey!

  • Am I excited for what I get to do today?!
  • Do I feel a sense of pride in talking about my work with others, (even those who have nothing to do with my work)?
  • Would I like the chance to make my own schedule as well as work from any location?
  • Is it time for me to contribute in a different manner?
  • If I had all the resources in the world, and therefore didn’t need to work at all, what would I spend my time doing (yes, in a year from now, after getting your solid dose of relaxing on the beach )
  • Do I feel over-stressed, and do I know that some of that comes from my current work arrangement?
  • Do I feel like it’s just time for a change?

Wondering if joining our team of optimistic world-changers is right for you? Feel free to check out the offerings at, or sign up for an exploration call with our founder, James Goodlatte by clicking here!



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