How to Make Online Pre & Postnatal Personal Training Work For You

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As people are adjusting to the potential threat of illness, many of us in the fitness industry will feel a financial impact.

But we can be a source of health, calm, and holistic inspiration – as long as we know how to navigate our business when the majority of our clients are in self-isolation.

Choose the FORMAT of your online training & get the details!

Online Training Categories:

LIVE 1-on-1 or Semi-Private Sessions

It’s easy to transfer existing clients to live online sessions in a pinch!

Technology:We suggest using Zoom as your platform for the video call. It’s free for this type of session and easy to set up!

Recruiting Clients: We suggest dropping an email/message to at least 10 people everyday with the following note:
“Hey! In light of the current isolation many people are experiencing right now, I’ve decided to train a small number of clients online – no better time to get people moving! I thought you especially might enjoy this training right now and wanted to reach out because I’m doing some really innovative stuff. Are you still interested in [getting fit, training for pregnancy, recovering after baby, reducing that pain] like we talked about?”

Selling Clients: We suggest going through an assessment to find out what your client wants and needs, then bridging the gap by effectively communicating and showing your client exactly how much your training can help them.

How to Collect Money: The simplest way to collect money is to have your client EMT (email money transfer) you. However, depending on the cost of your program, your client may want to use a credit card.

You can easily create a PayPal link or use a system like Square (in Canada) to collect this payment right away. If you think you will want a more powerful cart that allows you more options like upsells/downsells or to link to a newsletter or email automation, our favorite cart system and affiliate platform is ThriveCart* . because it currently has a lifetime one-time purchase instead of a monthly fee associated with other fantastic carts like SamCart or ClickFunnels.

Keeping Organized: Google Sheets is an incredibly easy way to track your clients sessions and record their workouts. It is easily shared directly with your client as well so they can train using your program on days they don’t meet you.

Insurance: Click here.

Learning More: Fit For Birth is making it easy to get the hands-on experience you need to set up a quick and efficient online training business. Until the end of March, join our Pre & Postnatal Business Mastery Mentorship for FREE when you join any of Fit For Birth’s courses or continuing education OR take it as a stand alone mentorship – find out the details of this invaluable program below!


Some clients just love to follow along in a class and will really miss the social interaction without heading to your studio. Make it fun and easy for them to join you right from home!

Technology: We suggest using Zoom as your platform for the video call. It’s free for sessions 40 minutes or less (or a nominal cost for longer sessions/month) and easy to set up! We love this platform because your clients are all able to see one another and really feel the group energy! 

Another option is to use YouTube LIVE – we created a quick video to show you how easy this is to use. You can also see a chat box where your clients can write it and tell you how they’re feeling!
JUST IN (another great free option!) —

Google makes Hangouts Meet features free in the wake of coronavirus

Recruiting Clients: We suggest dropping an email/message to at least 10 people everyday with the following note:
Hey! In light of the current isolation many people are experiencing right now, I’ve decided to move my super-fun classes online – no better time to get people moving! I thought you especially might enjoy these classes right now and wanted to reach out because I’m doing some really innovative stuff. Are you still interested in [getting fit, training for pregnancy, recovering after baby, reducing that pain] like we talked about?

Selling Clients: We suggest going through an assessment to find out what your client wants and needs, then bridging the gap by effectively communicating and showing your client exactly how much your class can help them. Going through this assessment and having this 1-on-1 time will also help your client to understand your cues in your online class. 

How To Collect Money: The simplest way to collect money is to easily create a PayPal link to collect payments for your classes right away. If you think you will want a more powerful cart to track purchases and class subscriptions, that allows you more options like upsells/downsells or to link to a newsletter or email automation, our favorite cart system and affiliate platform is ThriveCart*. It currently has a lifetime one-time purchase instead of a monthly fee associated with other fantastic carts like SamCart or ClickFunnels. However, read on for more details on collecting payments.

Keeping Organized: Google Sheets is an incredibly easy, yet tedious, way to track your clients number of classes purchased and used. It is good in the short-term; however if you plan to grow this business in the future, it may be worth checking out schedulers specifically designed to help you with this. Many of these platforms will also collect your payments for you when your clients sign up for a class. We like Omnify as it specifically tracks a client’s attendance through it’s ‘Class Pass’ feature and integrates with Zoom and Google Meet; however there are many options available like MindBody and Wellnessliving.

Insurance: Click here.

Learning More:Fit For Birth is making it easy to get the hands-on experience you need to set up a quick and efficient online training business. Until the end of March, join our Pre & Postnatal Business Mastery Mentorship for FREE when you join any of Fit For Birth’s courses or continuing education OR take it as a stand alone mentorship – find out the details of this invaluable program below!


While there is a learning curve to adopting an app for your online business, it can be a great tool to boost your ability to train more people using simply their phones!

Technology: There are many apps that have the functionality to deliver your training programs; however, we’ve broken it down to three we feel comfortable with. PT Distinction is top of our list with Trainerize and TrueCoach next!
If you plan to make videos – you may require some editing software or an app on your phone. Remember – these videos don’t have to be perfect, they just need to show your clients how to do the exercise as you understand it. Most smart phones will have native editing that you can use to simply crop your videos, but you can also look into apps like SpliceFilmoraGo, and iMovie.

Recruiting Clients: First thing’s first – know exactly who your program is for. For example, we might create this program: “I help moms develop a functional core in 45 days so that they can get back to doing what they love without causing pain or diastasis recti.” Then, we suggest dropping an email/message to at least 10 people who fall into this category everyday with the following note:
Hey! In light of the current isolation many people are experiencing right now, I’ve decided to fast-track the brand new program I’ve been creating for a while – no better time to get people moving! I thought you especially might enjoy this training right now and wanted to reach out because I’m doing some really innovative stuff. Are you interested in developing a functional core in 45 days so that you can get back to doing what you love without causing pain or diastasis recti?”

Selling Clients: We suggest going through an assessment to find out what your client wants and needs, then bridging the gap by effectively communicating and showing your client exactly how much your program can help them.

How To Collect Money:Many of the apps out there have an inherent way to collect money that works directly with the app. For example, PT Distinction uses an easily linked PayPal integration, while Trainerize has a paid solution for approximately $7/month. For those who aren’t tech savvy, or wanting to look deeper into a cart system for your business, it’s best to just use what the app recommends as it will be the easiest to integrate. If you do think you will want a more powerful cart to perhaps integrate upsells/downsells like nutrition coaching or specialized sessions, or to link to a newsletter, email automation, or have an affiliate platform to allow clients to help you sell your program, you may be interested in something like ThriveCart* (one-time lifetime purchase) or SamCart or ClickFunnels (monthly fee) and then link your clients to the sign up for your app program after purchase. 

Keeping Organized:The best thing about the app is that your whole program is already uploaded and ready to go – often including additional coaching materials like PDFs, videos, and messages of encouragement. What you do need to stay on top of is making sure you keep up with new programming and content if you have a membership program, staying on top of client progress, and most of all, marketing your program to bring in new clients. This type of program is typically less expensive to the consumer, so you need more clients to balance your income. This often means more focus and education on social media, advertising, or publicity. 

Insurance: Click here.

Learning More: Fit For Birth is making it easy to get the hands-on experience you need to set up a quick and efficient online training business. Until the end of March, join our Pre & Postnatal Business Mastery Mentorship for FREE when you join any of Fit For Birth’s courses or continuing education OR take it as a stand alone mentorship – find out the details of this invaluable program below!



If you are concerned about your income and want to chat with us please feel free to drop into our chat! We’re all in this together and want to make sure you are able to make the best of what can seem like an unstable situation. 

Do you need


Online business can be simple.
Or it can be hard. We like simple.

We hope this helps!

If you are concerned about your income and want to chat with us please feel free to drop into our chat! We’re all in this together and want to make sure you are able to make the best of what can seem like an unstable situation.

Need more help?

Join us for our 4-week Pre & Postnatal Business Mastery Mentorship where you’ll hear from online business coaches: Joanie Johnson, Yusra Eshaq, Brooke Cates, Founder of The Bloom Method, and Fit For Birth Founder James Goodlatte on the exact methods (from simple to completely automated) with step-by-step work-throughs they’ve used to build their online businesses

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