The Benefits of Lacto-Fermented Vegetables During Pregnancy Superfoods: Lacto-Fermented Vegetables April 23, 2012 Recommendation: Nourishing Traditions notes how ethnic cuisines often had at least one fermented food at every meal. Nutrition and Fun Facts: Authors of Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, … READ MORE Reduce incontinence, prevent tearing, & minimize discomfort from an overly extended belly with one simple exercise sequence April 23, 2012 As a pregnant woman, incontinence, big belly discomfort, and the possibility of tearing during labor can be valid concerns. Fit For Birth uses a sequence of exercises called Belly Training … READ MORE Is it Safe to Eat Liver During Pregnancy? | Benefits of Liver and Organ Meats April 22, 2012 Is it safe to eat liver during pregnancy? Last Updated 12/13/23 Liver consumption has been proven safe to eat, and very beneficial, in small quantities during pregnancy. In fact there … READ MORE Prevent Aches, Pains and Muscular Cramping that Often Occurs in Pregnancy April 20, 2012 Good postural alignment is important in preventing joint aches and pains, as well as averting muscular cramping that often occurs in pregnancy, like in the calf muscles. Maintaining proper alignment … READ MORE Sunscreen During Pregnancy April 20, 2012 The Best Sunscreen to use During Pregnancy Sunscreen-The list of ingredients to avoid in sunscreen is way too long to go into here. Dr. Green lists several “estrogenic” chemicals to … READ MORE The Benefits of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy April 20, 2012 Superfoods: Eggs Recommendation: The “Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers” recommends “2 or more eggs daily, preferably from pastured chickens” and “additional egg yolks daily, added to smoothies, salad dressings, … READ MORE Previous 1…78910 Next