The New Direction of Birth Culture? March 21, 2018 What the new WHO guidelines for “intrapartum care for a positive birth experience” tells us about the state & direction of modern birthing culture. By: Becca Oden A new word … READ MORE For The Love of Your Core STOP Pulling Your Bellybutton to Spine September 29, 2016 Written by Brooke Cates Why is the bulk of the fitness industry providing us with incorrect ways on how to correctly connect with our inner core muscles? The cues most … READ MORE Three Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make that Permit or Even Cause Diastasis Recti September 25, 2016 Fitness professionals have a unique opportunity to either heal or further worsen Diastasis Recti in their pregnant or postpartum clients. Although “core” is now a staple fitness topic of the … READ MORE Closing Diastasis Recti During Pregnancy: A Case Study For Fitness Professionals September 23, 2016 written by: Brooke Cates Closing a four-finger width Diastasis Recti (DR) separation during pregnancy once seemed like an impossibility in my practice. I never considered that healing DR while the … READ MORE A Holistic Approach to Pregnancy Wellness for Fitness Professionals February 28, 2016 Holistic: Achieving a harmonious whole that is more than the mere sum of its parts. Wellness: Being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate intention. Despite … READ MORE What’s the Difference Between Prenatal Yoga and Corrective Exercise? August 11, 2015 Recently, I was asked, “What’s the Difference Between Prenatal Yoga and Corrective Exercise?” These are two rather different exercise methodologies but it looks like some explaining is in order. I … READ MORE Previous 123456…10 Next