4 Myths about Starting a Pre & Postnatal Fitness Training Business

It is clear that our world has changed dramatically since March 2020. And it occurs to me that one of the most seminal changes we’ve encountered is that – at least in some ways – our world has become more virtual and borderless. Doing business from anywhere in the world with someone that could be next door or 3,000 miles away, all face to face over the computer or phone; and the option to work from home is so much more possible. This choice can feel incredibly exciting to some, but everyone has different comfort levels as it relates to working virtually.

How are you feeling about it right now?

Whether you are looking to start a new business, or grow your current one, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to start. You may be thinking that you don’t have the right education, experience, resources, or credentials. But the reality is that YOU DO! Starting and growing a business doesn’t have to be time-intensive and costly, it just means being open to thinking of things a bit differently, and discovering a way that works for you.

There are four common myths about starting a business that I want to take the time today to explore – and hopefully dispel for you. Here we go:

Myth #1 – It’s too complicated to start a business

As an education company, we know that one of the most important values is simplicity.  Unfortunately, this isn’t how things are often communicated today.  See, as time unfolds, humans have a natural tendency to create complexity for any topic.

And although this is certainly true in business, it doesn’t have to be.

  • Step 1: Identify your passion, since this is THE PRIMARY DRIVER FOR EVERY DECISION AND ACTION YOU WILL MAKE! What brings you joy? What inspires you?
  • Step 2: Identify your target market. Who do you enjoy working with? Who do you want to connect with? Where do you find them?
  • Step 3: Make connections and create and utilize the appropriate technology platforms (more on this later)

Myth #2 – It’s too expensive to start a business

It’s funny because nearly two decades ago, I dreamed of having an online business in part because “there was no overhead” costs associated!   And without a coach to guide me back then, I really learned the hard way.  Over the last decade, it’s been pretty amazing for me to see that there can be plenty of overhead costs for online businesses if you’re not clear on which solution is best for you at the stage that you are currently in.

While there is a range you can spend on building and growing your business, it doesn’t have to come anywhere close to “breaking the bank.” A lot of us are extra cost-sensitive these days with so much uncertainty in our lives. But rest assured, start-up costs for an online business can actually be ridiculously close to nothing. Some expenses may include purchasing a domain name and website hosting costs, but things like social media and simply just reaching out to your contacts – the things that often play the largest role in building awareness and getting clients – are totally free! (You just need to tap into your passion to know what to say, as well as to determine which method you’d like to use to reach out to new clients.)

Honestly, there are so many examples of successful wellness professionals who are building their businesses without the “usual” expected methods. For the cost of what you’ll earn in just a few training sessions, you can have your professional online business running smoothly.

Myth #3 – I’m not tech-savvy enough to start a business

Honestly, this has been my biggest issue since the start of my online business intentions more than 15 years ago!

Let’s start here: You do not need to be a tech expert to have an online business. But you do need to identify how you are going to move forward using your strengths and passions to the fullest while knowing when to hire or trade for some tech help…OR learning which pieces of the puzzle really aren’t so difficult after all.

Your first step may be setting up your platform – once you have your business name and identity created, purchasing a URL/domain name and selecting a website hosting platform (such as SquareSpace or WordPress) are common simple first steps to get started. Then, if applicable, think about the ways you feel motivated to work online – will you meet with clients over Zoom/FaceTime/WhatsApp? Will you be incorporating pre-recorded workouts onto your website? There are so many wonderful options! (Simplifying your options will be key to not getting overwhelmed.)

Myth #4 – I’m not qualified enough to have my own business (Imposter Syndrome)

This feeling is often referred to as Impostor Syndrome. People who deal with this – nearly every one of us at some point in time at least – feel like their skills and expertise are inadequate and they doubt their accomplishments. They feel like they aren’t qualified to do the work they’re doing and fear they’ll be exposed as a fraud or that no one will be willing to pay them for their service. It can be debilitating, but it is so common and there are ways to overcome it.

Trust your intuition, follow your passion and do what feels good to you. But what if nothing feels good?  Every one of us has blind spots in our own growth and development; blindspots that often require an open mind along with coaching from others to help you move through them with greater ease.  I often say that there are two solutions to each challenge you’re having in business:

  1. Decide that this challenge is important for your growth, and figure out ways to make it more fun or easeful or doable.
  2. Decide that you just don’t want this challenge, and choose a different path.

My experience has shown that there are literally always ways to move forward, it’s just a matter of whether or not we are open to growth at this moment in our lives, and often whether or not we have a support network to help us with that growth.

Mental programs are just like neuromuscular programs – the more you traverse any particular pathway, the more likely you are to traverse that pathway until you step onto a new pathway.  And this is why having tools (or a team) to keep yourself accountable is so often so critical. .

Have you seen our webinar all about imposter syndrome? Check it out here if you haven’t yet.

At Fit For Birth we created a 4-week business course called the Pre & Postnatal Business Mastery Mentorship to simplify the process and help fitness professionals build, launch and grow their online business – whether you have an existing business or you’re interested in starting one from scratch. The course will guide you through each step – from identifying your ideal business plan and the technology required, to working through mental roadblocks and empowering you to move forward – and our pre & postnatal fitness experts will be there with you from start to finish to provide mentorship, accountability and encouragement.

We hold this course a few times a year and you can sign up for the next one here. If you’re a Fit For Birth Pregnancy Safe Coach, this course is FREE for you! And you have lifetime access to it. If you’re interested in becoming a Pregnancy Safe Coach, click here!

May your journey have way more days of fun than frustration,


Founder, Fit For Birth

pregnant woman exercising

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